Never ever use ChatGPT for SEO as it will badly affect your blog

Source : Feedback collected from 42 professional bloggers who used ChatGPT someway or other for improving SEO of their blog.

effects of ChatGPT on SEO

Artificial Intelligence is dominating almost every sector and domain. With the advancement in AI, blogs have begin to get a lower attention now. Many bloggers are trying to take the assistance through ChatGPT, but is it really solving their problem?

Internet might tell you a lot of benefits of AI. Definitely it might give solution for most of your queries as well. But in reality, do you really believe the other Chatbots are unable to differentiate between AI content and the actual original content.

Why a Blogger should write Blogs with their experience & analysis

Every company writes the content for their product. Blogging concept started when people started writing their own experiences. In last few years, Blogging industry grew at such a fast pace that people started focussing on SEO rather than the content. Now also, I am sure, your first query on ChatGPT must have been for SEO and not for content.

You have to understand that when you write something, actually you are writing the content for someone else to refer so that it can create impact on their life. Every individual has a particular taste and choice. People get connected to the bloggers not because of SEO, but because of their sense of writing.

Is SEO Algorithm changing ?

One word answer to this question is Yes. SEO is changing everyday. If you talk about the techniques which were followed 5 years back, probably the same technique might deindex your blog from search engines now. Few years back, no matter what the style of writing is, if you are proficient in SEO, your blog will appear on the top.

SEO advancements on daily basis

But now, the chatbots are so intelligent that they will consider the blog’s performance not just based on the code, structure and optimization, but will also consider the actual content for indexing on search engines.

How can you use ChatGPT for SEO

There are multiple ways. But before i start telling you the ways, i would highlight that i recommend not to use ChatGPT for SEO techniques. You can limit your queries for getting the feedback for understanding the wayout for any problem. But never ever ask ChatGPT for writing content etc.

What mistake people often make

Research the internet and blogs will suggest you to get meta description written by ChatGPT. Some will suggest to get the headings from the AI tool. May be someone would suggest to get keywords and many more other stuff.

The mistaks that people do is not asking ChatGPT their queries, but just writing exactly same on their blogs what a AI bot has given them

Effects on SEO

To understand this just think like that any search engine will try to give the audience a content which will solve their purpose. Any one searchig a wayout for a question will be directed to a official website. Almost every official website publishes a how to article.

Now if anyone is searching for a feedback or a review query, then probably he would be happy to read from a reliable source who might have personally tried and tested it. If not personally, atleast he must have analysed the feedback of actual users.

Like just consider this article, I am drafting this based on the research and feedback taken from actual users. If you just look for this query on ChatGPT, probably it will be a formal content that might look appealing, but definitely it will not solve your problem.


Use ChatGPT intelligently and focus on content. Days are gone when the SEO was about optimizing your website. Its all content now.

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