How to Record Oppo Screen

This article will tell you the best way to record screen of your Oppo Mobile phones. The Chinese company is selling a good number of mobiles especially in India and Asia. So, more people ask about the technical stuff related to the specific mobile devices. The chineese brand targets the middle class users for its operations. Strategy is to get the same spec mobile phones as of the elite class. So the majority of users are students and aspiring entrepreneurs.

This niche of Audience many a times get a requirement / need to record the phone screen activity. Sometimes a project need or sometimes just for fun. Anyways, that is your choice to record the screen or not. I can help you friends to proceed in that case.

Steps to Record Oppo Screen

How to Record Oppo Screen
How to Record Oppo Screen
  1. Open Play Store on your Oppo Smartphone and search and install the Youtube Gaming App.
  2. After the app is available on your device, launch the app and YouTube Gaming will show a list of apps.
  3. Select All Apps and then tap the record button.
  4. The screen recording will start on your Oppo Mobile

To Stop Screen Recording on Oppo Phone

When you start recording the Oppo Screen, a control button gets added in the notification bar. Just simply pull down the notification bar from the top and select Stop Recording option from there.

The Phone screen recording will stop immediately.

Suggested Read : How to create a blog for free and start earning.

When you start recording the screen on Oppo Device, you will also get your front camera on and also the possibility to record sounds with the microphone. You can always change these settings and can just let the app record the screen movements. The gaming app is solving the purpose of Screen recording which was not the real intention.

Anyways, just use the app and enjoy the smartphone experience.

1 thought on “How to Record Oppo Screen”

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